Xiao Qiang Adjunct Professor, Berkeley School of Information; Editor in Chief, China Digital Times Panel 5

Xiao Qiang is an Adjunct Professor at the Berkeley School of Information and the Founder and Editor in Chief of China Digital Times, a bi-lingual China news website that explores how to apply cutting edge technologies to aggregate, contextualize, and translate online information from and about China. At Berkeley, Qiang teaches a class on Digital Activism and runs the Counter-Power Lab, an interdisciplinary faculty-student group researching innovative technologies to expand the free flow of information in cyberspace. He became a full time human rights activist after the Tiananmen Massacre in 1989. Qiang was the Executive Director of Human Rights in China from 1991 to 2002. He is a recipient of the MacArthur Fellowship in 2001 and was a visiting fellow of the Santa Fe Institute in 2002. A theoretical physicist by training, Qiang studied at the University of Science and Technology of China and entered the Ph.D. program in Astrophysics at the University of Notre Dame.
Internet Resistance